Thursday, July 29, 2010

Background - The story behind our trip to Australia :)

As much as I love to travel, and make lists of places I want to visit, I had never truly thought I would one day make it to Australia. Then...last a conference (the Canadian Society of Zoology), it was mentioned that the 12th International Congress of Parasitology - which only happens every 4 years, was going to be held in Melbourne, Australia...the seed was planted.

I mean, if I didn't go to this specific conference, where I could potentially meet future Ph.D. and postdoc supervisors now...then the next one would only be in 4 years, and I'll have missed this opportunity to network with parasitologist's from around the world so early in my career! How could I miss it? After discussing with my sister...who I always confer with...she whole hearted agreed that this was not an opportunity to miss...So...I started to plan.

My first mention to my beloved supervisors, Dr. Dan and Dr. Dave had them shaking their heads...sorry, we can't afford to send you to Australia...we can't even afford to send ourselves there. issue was not could I go...but simply how to get me there. My mind was already plotting.

So, I started talking about it...and thinking out loud, and came up with the idea of holding fund raiser activities to raise the money to get me to Australia. I started off with pens...actually, a pen/highlighter combo...sold for 4$ a piece. My very supportive Aunt DD donated the 300 pens to me and off I went, bombarding everyone with the pens...I mean who doesn't need a pen. Well, tons of people bought pens! Students of mine, friends, family, friends of friends, church family, even strangers! Some people heard about my fund raiser and just sent money! I was off to a good start. My goal of $3000 was already half way met. So, I asked my family to help me out to hold a Spaghetti dinner fund raiser. With my grandparents donating the food, my Aunt DD donating the dessert and my Uncle Rod slaving away in the kitchen as well as everyone else helping out to serve and clean up, I raised the rest of the money!

Nothing was stopping me now, I was on my way! My supervisors were astounded! And after successfully raising the money, and talking about it for months, my sister was ready to jump on board and come with me :) So thanks to all of the loving people I am surrounded by, the flight is booked and the hotel is reserved. I just finished sending my research off to be printed and am more than ready to start this adventure. we come!!

We Are Going to Australia (WAGTA)

Angela Rose Lapierre. 31.

Tanya Angel Lapierre. 36.

Australia - specifically Sydney and Melbourne.
2 weeks.
7 more sleeps.