Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Funny things about ICOPA so far...

Well...in my other posts so far, I have kept them more as a journal, but there have been quite a few little funny moments that I wanted to make sure I remembered so that I could laugh about them in my old age.

Yesterday, during the first workshop, as one of the speakers is talking...I hear, "ARUP"...hmmm, maybe someone burped. I hear it again...ARUP....ARUP....hmmm...that is strange. At this point I am obviously not the only person hearing it and it is distracting the speaker. I try to resist the urge to turn around and look, but the strange noise continues. So I finally give in and turn a little to sneak a peak...as I do...my eye catches a young guy who is licking his lips in an odd manner...way too much tongue. Hmm...strange. He must have really dry lips.

I quickly divert my attention back to the speaker....ARUP....ARUP....I turn again...spot Mr. Licker...he is still licking his lips! And all of a sudden...his whole body twitches and he yelps, "ARUP!" Ahhh! It's him! He has Tourette's Syndrom!

Now...you would think that is more than enough distraction in one session...but no...someone has also decided to bring their child into the session!!! And there is now gurgling and babbling going on as well!! Insane!

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