Wednesday, August 18, 2010

ICOPA XII - Day 3 - Caira, Cribb, Mariaux and Littlewood all in one day!

The morning started off with an entertaining and inspiring talk given by Dr. Janine Caira on the Global Parasite Diversity programs that are ongoing and being funded by several organizations, NSF, PEET and BS&I. The project is world wide and is basically a large scale effort of recording the world's parasite diversity. It is very interesting, and I wouldn't mind getting involved in a project like that at all :) More thoughts for Ph.D. research run through my brain.

The day continued to be filled with talks by my personal set of gurus, Dr. Tom Cribb, Dr. Jean Mariaux and Dr. Tim Littlewood. I filled my notebook with notes and comments as I listened intently to ever word they had to say. All were fabulous speakers, which just raises them on an even higher platform in my mind.

The afternoon session was devoted to an ASP meeting, so I headed back to the hotel where I met up with Tanya and we walked over to have dinner at Movita's - a little Spanish restaurant that in itself deserves it's own blog...we are off to the zoo today...needed a break from the sessions and then the banquet tonight! More later!


  1. Have you been taping these sessions or are they available to purchase after the conference?? I used to tape my favorite speakers at conferences then add little verbal notes as their sessions went on. Awesome resource for later!! Have fun tonight at the banquet..........charm them all!! xoxoxoxo love ya both xoxoxo

  2. Well my love i am sure glad you raised the money to go. It sounds like the best place to meet all the people you have much respect and admie. Sounds like you are enjoying your conference. Have fun tonight. Can't wait till you both get back. Love to you both Mom.xxxxxxxxxxxxoooooooooooo
