Friday, August 20, 2010

St. Kilda

This morning was Angie's last conference day. Destined to finish her day around 2, I dragged myself out of bed and after coffee and warm banana bread at Gloria Jeanès, I grabbed the cable car (and bought a day ticket - I'll let Angie tell you that story!) and headed out of the city. Similar to the Beaches where I live in Toronto, St. Kilda is the sea accessible from the city. I am enchanted by the long pier, and in spite of the grey clouds and wind I walked down and had a tea at the small cafe at the end of the pier, which was actually a new building that was built as an expact replica of the original after it burnt in 2003. The sea and sky were grey and stormy, which just made the day even more dramatic.

I then walked back and dow past the indoor salt pool and then past the entrance to Luna Park, which was closed but looked like a little small town parking lot fair.
I pass the park entrance and stroll along the shopping street, where it seems to either be funky clothes store or bakery that appeals to the crowd. Of course, there are a few shoes stores, too!
I grab the tram back into the city and Angie and I head to the Queen Victoria Markets, subject of another entry!

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