Friday, August 13, 2010

Incredibly rich or incredibly stupid

Every now and again in life, what you anticipate will be an incredible experience turns out to be a big, fat bust. Well, tonight, as I wait for my clothes to dry, I am going to share a big, fat bust story.
On Alfred Street, written up in the Sydney tour book, is the Australian Wine Centre. That alone sends shivers up the average oenophile's spine, but for the girl who actually wants to produce wine from grapes she will grow in Oaxaca, a currently grapeless region, the excitement is almost tangible. My sister informs me we have 17 minutes to spend in this store, as we are also slated to look at some opals and we are off to the opera a bit later in the day as well. In dismay I head into the basement store, feeling I may have to take a trip back on my own. I need not have worried.
The small sotre is delightfully full, and prices range as well as growing regions. My idea was to buy a few bottles, give them a try, and then potentially buy others to bring home. I wanted to see if the staff were knowledgeable in the different growing regions of Australia, and try to purchase some that did not have a long dormant season, as this will be Oaxaca conditions.
I wonder how to ask this question. I figure the truth will be best:
"Hi - I am from Canada and my plan is eventually to move to Mexico and start a vinyard. I - "
The older man behind the counter interrupts me and says, "Well, then, you are either incredibly rich or incredibly stupid!!"
My sister stops browsing. She waits. She knows she is either going to have to pull me away from choking the man, or exhale if I laugh.
I laugh. She exhales.
"I guess I prefer the term adventurous."
Nope. Seems Mr. Pompous Ass won't let it go. Seems I am just plain stupid. You see, HE did that already. TWICE. And failed. And I am from Canada, where the climate is only suited to ice wine, how can we possibly expect to grow anything of quality there. MAYBE some of the BC wines MIGHT be passable. MAYBE.
You see, Mr. Pompous Ass has been to Canada, most recently even. Nothing drinkable there. Oh, and Mr. Pompous Ass lives on Manly, on the sea, you see, his wife would just NOT live out in the country, on a farm, in order to make his vineyard successful. There are, according to Mr. Pompous Ass, more vineyards for sale in Australia and France that cost less to buy today than it would cost to put a new vineyard in. I really should just admit defeat now.
I smiled tightly and tried to ask him about growing regions in Australia. Of course, Australia has all the perfect growing conditions. Of course.
I wonder why no one has run this man over with a truck.
I give up. This is the worst experience I have had since landing in Australia. I suggest he make a recommendation. He does, by plucking a bottle of Shiraz out of a display - $19.90 later, I am disappointed with it all together.Way too much berry, high tannins and heavy, blunt finish.
Are there any good wines in Australia, I wonder...

1 comment:

  1. The moral of the story being.........."wine NEVER tastes good when bought from Mr. Pompous Asses of the world!!" hahahahaha and for next time, "Never buy anything from Mr. Pompous Asses of the world, save your money, time, and business for people that want it!! OH, and you need to share that thought and fact with the Mr. Pompous Asses of the world as you exit their business." Give them back that good old Tanya wit, paired with a good old Canadian 'raspberry'. xoxoxoxoxo Now onto the next winery.....
