Monday, August 16, 2010

Melbourne - Alleyways to Discover

Today was my first day without my little side kick. As my sister was at her conference, I had the day on my own in Melbourne. My sister was Miss Greedy Pants when it came to tour book ownership, so I had very little time to do any planning. Sometimes, it's a good thing!
After making sure the hotel was going to move our luggage to the other room we are now staying in for the next 6 nights, I head out for a walk. I have no plan, other than I have to make sure I get cash out to pay for the hotel room, as my VISA was not going to work for various reasons (like it has a chip and a mystery password that is a mystery even to me). I pop my TD Canada Trust bank card into an ATM, and enter my withdrawl amount, $600. It says there is no funds to cover the withdrawal. Small panic moment. I remember that I have a low daily withdrawal limit for fraud reasons, so I figure the amount was too high. I try $500. Nope. I get an error message back that reads  - DO NOT HONOR CARD.
I head over to the nearest pay phone to call VISA and TD to get things sorted. I run out of change to feed the phone, so have to hang up and run to a convenience store to buy a phone card. Back to the phone I go to speak with the Loss and Prevention department to get the hold released on my card and my VISA issues sorted and all this happens just steps away from a lovely shoe store.
At this point, I am ready for a drink, but it's only 10:30 a.m., so I decide some more walking is in order. I head over to the Arcades, a whole city section filled with lanes and alleys and malls, with lovely stores and cafes. I stop for lunch and sit in a window and contemplate life over a glass of house red and lentil soup. Melbourne seems more like Paris - trendier, funky shops, smaller streets and lots of lanes. I am enchanted. Sydney had that new city sparkle to it, whereas Melbourne has the working class hum of a real urban centre.
After lunch, I duck into Haight's, a chocolaterie. I recommend their Caramel Bars - mmmm.
I head up Bourke to the Parliament buildings, over to the Fitzroy Gardens to visit Captain Cook's father's house and then to the Pavilion for a latte and some planning.
I decide to see the Melbourne Museum, but on my way there get side tracked with St. Paul's cathedral. It is Type A Gothic architecture, nice but rather cold. The Anglican church across the road looks small and dull in comparison. I head to the Cathedral gift shop and score a Jesus bracelet, I think this will be #11 in my collection! They are too costly to pick up for all the girls at home. In latin america they sell for about $1 each, I paid $20 for this Melbourne addition!
I decide to save the Melbourne Museum for another day and start to walk home through China Town, which is again full of little alleyways to explore. Hours later I emerge with The Best Souvenir Ever, a water picture in the style they use in literally every cafe in Australia! Whooo Hooo!
Souvenir in hand, I head down to check into the hotel. After walking 5 blocks in the wrong direction, I get sorted and manage to pick up a few donuts (Krispy Kremes, of all things, and they must fly them over already made, because it cost me $5.70 for 2 donuts!!!). I check into the hotel and am pleasantly surprised by the room quality difference, which I will blog about separately, I promise!
Tucked in for the night, I think tomorrow I will see about doing a river boat cruise and checking out a wine store or two.


  1. sigh.........what a lovely day overall!! History, wine, chocolate, a special purchase and walking till you kind of day!!! (okay, minus the chocolate thing, but you did say lentil soup......aha, that's a favorite)xoxoxoxo

  2. Wow loveit sounds like you had a great day decovery thing on your own, you didn't need to plan anything. Just walking around you found thing on your own. But you have always been like that finding places to go and things to do. Glad to here you got the money problem worked out. Lots of love Mom. Miss you and love you both. xxxxxxxxxxooooooooooo
