Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Laughter is the best medicine

If there is one thing my sister and I are capable of, it is finding ourselves incredibly funny. I know, in years to come, I will be sitting alone at my desk and some memory of Australia will cross my mind and I will laugh out loud to myself. We notice the same things and find humor in the smallest of human conditions.
After a few months of having no time to even sit quietly and think, this vacation has been a godsend. I laugh every day to either the tears-streaming-down-my-face stage or to the crossing-of-the-legs-bending-over-so-I-don't-pee-my-pants stage. My hectic job and life seem miles away, and though I miss my husband and think of my friends often (side note to Erin: do not visit the Royal Botanical Gardens when you visit Sydney - birds AND bats everywhere...) I have to say I am filling my days with memories I know will keep me smiling well into old age.
Today we visited the Harbour Bridge. After stopping at the Museum of Sydney cafè for a latte and a snack, we begin our ascent to the bridge. My sister advises me we will be walking about halfway, and there are 200 stairs to climb if I want to do the pylon museum. I am all good for 200 steps. I mean, I climbed almost everything in Italy, why not Sydney? We pay our $9.50 to gain entry to the museum and 200 stairs. I love it when I pay to climb up stairs. It's in line with paying for someone to hit your finger with a hammer. The climb was actually very easy on the metal, even, wide staircase. We get to the top of the Pylon and step outside.
Yes, the views were amazing, but the wind - the wind was a force to be acknowledged. It made for interesting hair pictures:
Angela faces South

Angela faces North

Of course, as we sat at the Bondi Cafè, hours later, these pictures were the source of more giggles. It didn't help that we had just eaten chocolate lava cakes and had lattes and hot chocolates. Nope, the Lapierre Sisters need no additives to break into fits of giggles.

1 comment:

  1. They say.....(who knows who 'they' is) but they do say that "the cheapest facelift is laughter" SOOOOO looks like you two are going to be ageless forever!!! Love ya both! xoxoxo
